Unforgettable – 57th Presidential Inauguration

One of the 50 activities on my “50 by 50” list to complete before my 50th birthday was to attend the Presidential Inauguration of President Barack Obama.  It was the inauguration for his second term.  It was such an amazing weekend.  There were so many people from as far away as Honolulu.  With the huge throng of people, there wasn’t one incident.  Everyone was happy, friendly, and so enthusiastic.  The media would have you believe that the size of this crowd was smaller than the first Inauguration.  I have to strongly disagree.

We stood in the “Orange” section, and were  perpendicular to the dais of the Capitol Building.  While I couldn’t see President Obama, I was on the grounds, and that meant the world to me.  Here are some of my favorite images from the weekend.